It’s time to finally see the results you so deeply desire.

You’re done holding back.

You’re done playing small.

And you’re ready to join the conversation with like-minded entrepreneurs who get it, and can be there for you along the path.

You know in your heart…you’re meant for more. You want to create a bigger impact.

Move out of stuck + frustrated to clear and on fire!

The key is to not overcomplicate it.

That’s where we come in.

With two coaches and a community of like-minded leaders, you’re not alone on this journey anymore.

It gets to be fun.

You get to impact + profit.

Sometimes it takes just one bold move to shift everything!

Are you ready?

Yeah, You Are!

One Bold Move is a business mastermind program for female entrepreneurs who are ready for next level support in growing their business online.

One Bold Move Mastermind is all about customizing your journey.

Because your dream is not hers.

Her dream is not yours.

The support is different.

The needs are different.

And we think that’s a beautiful thing.

We're here to serve the woman, not the masses.

In One Bold Move, we help you create a plan that is customized

to your big vision.

Simply: We don’t believe in a cookie cutter approach.

  • You want the support + guidance that's unique to you

  • You want the momentum and results that support the business and life you create

  • You know you need accountability and help focusing in on what steps to take and how to navigate it all

We're here for all of that!


When we support you within the mastermind...

Custom Roadmap

It all starts here. We’ll create a custom roadmap with you based on your goals.

The roadmap will be your 6 month plan of clear action steps to take towards your big goals.

Inside the mastermind, you'll have access to on-demand trainings to support your unique business growth plan.

High Level Support

We’ll check in on our bi-monthly meetings & through online tools to support you in feedback, staying on track, and new ideas on how to grow.

In addition, you'll have the opportunity to connect with our guest experts who train across a variety of topics to support your personal & business growth.


In our community of like-minded female entrepreneurs, you get to connect + share with those who “get it.”

A key part of growth, comes from being in deeper connections and networking at a high level.

We're not meant to do this alone.

If you're ready to grow your business and have the support of

mentors + community, then let's do this!

Is One Bold Move for you?

While we love helping women grow a successful business, we know that our mastermind isn't for everyone. And that's ok! We honor everyone's journey. The women will thrive best in our community are ready to go-all in.

This is for you if...

  • You want to learn how to relationship build
  • You want consistency in growth
  • You want to learn how to make more sales
  • You want to have fun in building
  • You are tired of lone-wolfing it
  • You are committed to playing bigger

This is not for you if...

  • You’re looking for a quick fix to make 6 figures in 6 six days
  • You’re unable to prioritize your growth
  • You have no clue what you want to do for a business
  • You’re un-coachable
  • You like to hide + not willing to show up

Your Coaches

Meet Val

Val Cap is the Founder of The Nurturing Collective and Business Mentor for start-up entrepreneurs who want to grow a successful business. She supports her clients in creating a strong foundation for their business with which to scale from, so they can create the impact & income they desire.

Meet Jennah

Jennah Lear is the Owner behind Blue Loui Studio. As a Brand + Biz Strategist, purpose driven entrepreneurs hire her to create + grow a powerful brand that positions you as the go-to expert, so you can attracts dreamy clients to your business!